Transport & Logistics

Whatever your project or exercise, we can manage the logistics for you. Whether it's getting people and equipment in and out of remote locations or arranging a gaggle of helicopters for major transport operations, we take the stress out of those logistical nightmares. Seventeen years experience operating in a range of industries throughout the north of Australia stands us in good stead to arrange any project.

See us for:

Expedition Work
Driver Training

Helicopters - G&A Helicopters supporting major productions around Australia, including logistics support, TV commercial and movie productions. Have operated and licensed to operate anywhere in Australia. Special experience in the NT and tropical Australia. Access to helicopters in all states, but can also supply our own Bell Longranger helicopter (see Pics).

Marine Craft - Small landing barges can often be used to your logistical advantage. Talk to us about where you plan to be working and these or suitable pleasure craft, may be ideal for your needs. A Maxi sailing yacht is an appropriate form of team bonding at the top.

Driver Training - We can deliver driver training seminars to address areas such as ,skid control, collision avoidance, four wheel drive recovery and off road skills enhancement.

Expedition Work - The world of expeditioning has no hierarchy but has few rivals in the excitement stakes. We have the infrastructure to support a private expediton for adventure, or a scientific expedition for research. See our latest expedition notes under recent trips.